2.1 To establish sub-committees/bureau;
a.    Bureau of Economy and Entrepreneurship
b.    Bureau of Education
c.    Bureau of Youth, Sports and Culture
d.    Religious Bureau
e.    Women’s Bureau
f.    Bureau of Security
g.    Bureau of Human Development
2.2 To determine the dates of committee meeting and also other meetings relevant to the committee.
2.3 To handle every action and programme of JKKMB and coordinate as well as monitor duties of bureaus.
2.4 To support and also assist in achieving committee’s objectives and responsibilities.
2.5 To collect complete information and data of a city, such as its residents, social activities and other socio-economy information, and to update it from time to time for the purpose of planning, coordination, implementation of development projects and social activities conducted in nearby areas and cities.
2.6 Continue to strive in strengthening the unity among residents via well-organised and planned activities.
2.7 To closely interact and collaborate with other leaders of the society for the purpose of strengthening unity.
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