6.1 Each Committee Member deserves the right to enjoy any exclusivity allocated to him/her from time to time by the management of KEJORA.
6.2 Each committee member deserves the right to voice out views, opinions, or present applications, as long as those views and opinions do not relate to the Government’s or management’s policies.
6.3 Provision of Fixed Allowances for Vice Chairperson and Secretary will be implemented according to the current allocation.
6.4 A study on the increment rate of allowance for meeting attendance will be conducted according to the current allocation.
6.5 Utilisation of a committee card as a JKKMB Member’s form of identification and declaration.
6.6 This committee is permitted to acquire or purchase an asset bearing the committee’s name with a prior advice and consultation of the Chairman and approval of the KEJORA’s management.
6.7 Attending courses organised by KEJORA within the period of appointment.
6.8 A discounted price will be given for any form of tenancy for facilities and equipment provided by the South East Johor City Board if application is based on JKKMB and its committee’s requirements.
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