Administration and Human Resource Management Division
The Administration and Human Resource Management Division is a division that provides support to the services of the department. Existing duties include the following:
- General Administration and Asset Management
- Human resource Management
- Corporate Communication
- Quality, Training and Competence
Provide services in the areas of Administration and Asset Management, Human Resource Management, Corporate Communications and Quality, Training and Competency to KEJORA staffs and communities that meet the needs of management and customer satisfaction
General Administration and Asset Management
- Creating a conducive working environment;
- Establishing a control and security system for building and office equipment;
- To ensure the Board of Directors Meeting runs smoothly;
- To ensure that the systems and methods of loan management for staffs are properly implemented;
- To ensure the smooth running of the Government movable asset management system.
Human resource Management
- Ensuring the needs of the workforce are adequate and appropriate to the KEJORA’s function and role;
- Ensure that all service needs of staffs are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Department(JPA);
- Ensure high discipline of staffs and to take action on indiscipline staffs through Disciplinary Committee;
- Ensure that staffs’ performance is assessed annually for recognition and career development of the staffs;
- Ensuring Human Resource Management Systems can be managed through HRMIS for more systematic services.
Quality, Training and Competency
- Ensuring MS ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System is implemented in accordance with established standards;
- Ensure the record management system in KEJORA Centralized File Room and KEJORA Classified Documents is implemented effectively;
- Ensuring the KEJORA Working Procedure Manual and Staff Desk Files are available and updated;
- Ensuring that the Staff Training Programme is well organized according to the plan;
- Ensure the validation In Position programme runs smoothly;
- Ensure the implementation of the Innovative and Creative Group (KIK) is successful;
- Ensuring the Secretariat’s 5S Quality Management System is implemented effectively;
- Ensuring that the Mentor Programme can be implemented and well coordinated;
- Ensure the co-ordination of practical student in each section according to the required areas of expertise.