Certified Integrity Officers (CEIO)

2 officers have been accredited by LPPIB to be responsible for integrity management at KEJORA.

1 Mr Noorazmi bin Sahar Head of Investment Unit

(Formerly the Head of Integrity Unit from 2014 to June 2017)

2 Mr Mohd Hanafi bin Jantan Strategic Planning Division Manager

(Fomer Head of Integrity Unit from July 2017 – 9 November 2019)

CeIO Roles

  1. Responsible for the production of articles related to integrity
  2. Monitor service delivery system
  3. Assist and support JITU secretariat
  4. Implement integrity recovery programme
  5. Report any violation of integrity
  6. Advise management in integrity
  7. Organizational Relationship Officer to CIDC (Corporate Integrity Development Center)
  8. Instructions / Regulations
  9. Coordinate action on integrity violations
  10. Coordinate and monitor integrity programmes