
Strategic Planning Divison

Name: Mohd Hanafi bin Jantan
E-mail: hanafi_jantan[at]kejora[dot]gov[dot]my
Telephone No: 07-8843014


To help provide a vision to develop the area of ​​Southeast Johor through Planning, Adjustment, Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation activities on the implementation of physical and social development programs and activities. Focus is given to new Cities, settlement centers and traditional villages involving the provision of infrastructure, public and social facilities, economic development, social development, and institutions as well as efforts to bridge the digital divide between the rural population and city.

  1. Monitor and coordinate the KEJORA Strategic Plan to be in line with the economic and social development of the KEJORA Region.
  2. Preparation of KEJORA Key Permance Indicator Report and monitoring of Strategic Plan performance through MyPrestasi System.
  3. Manage, review and evaluate öutcome ”and the impact of KEJORA development to improve.
  4. Coordinate and monitor the iKEJORA System.
  5. Responsible as FPL Point Dashboard War Room KPLB and coordinate KPLB open Dataset.
  6. Plan and coordinate development policies, strategies and approaches in the existing Southeast Johor area to be in line with the KEJORA function after obtaining management approval.
  7. Plan and coordinate in the implementation and monitoring of KEJORA collaboration programs.
  8. Prepare and coordinate long-term planning (OPP) 5 Year Malaysia Plan (RMTL).
  9. Coordinate and monitor the preparation of the work of the Cabinet Meeting (MJM).
  10. Coordination and planning of KEJORA development projects for a five-year plan.
  11. Preparation of annual program / project implementation (PPP) implementation planning.
  12. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of KEJORA program / project performance.
  13. Coordinate and update KEJORA development data and information under the Five Year Malaysia Plan related to physical performance and expenditure performance in the Project Monitoring System II Web (SPP II Web).
  14. Coordinate and update the KEJORA Project Monitoring System (SPPX).

Key Activities of the Strategic Planning Division

No. Main Activities Other Parties Involved Current System
1. Plan and formulate development policies, strategies and approaches • Local Community
• Government
Agencies • Private Agencies
• None
2. Plan and coordinate development programs • Travel
• Government Agencies • Private Agencies
• None
3. Coordinate the implementation of projects • Community • None
4. Collect and manage data on population and development projects • Local Community
• Government Agencies
• Will use KEJORA Regional Database System
5. Monitor the implementation of development projects • Government agency • SPP II
6. Monitor the achievement of KPI KEJORA • All parts • None

Products and Services Strategic Planning Division

No. Products / Services Target Group
1. Formulation of development policies and strategies • KEJORA Stakeholder• KEJORA customers

• All parts

2. Coordination of development programs
3. Management of information and data on population and development projects
4. Monitoring the implementation of development projects
5. Monitoring the achievement and implementation of KPI KEJORA
7. Study of outcome evaluation and impact of KEJORA development program / project