Unit Komunikasi Korporat


The establishment of the KEJORA Corporate Communications Unit (UKK) has started since 2007 and is located in the Administration and Human Resource Management Division. UKK was established with the objective of preserving and enhancing the image of KEJORA and promoting agency policies and programs through an orderly and effective public relations strategy.


  • Managing departmental corporate affairs
  • Taking care of media transportation
  • Managing Public Relations
  • Marketing information about KEJORA through mass media, printed and video publications, official portals and KEJORA social media


  • Plan, coordinate and implement KEJORA image enhancement activities through promotion / publicity plans, monitor and address news / issues, documentation of informational materials and photos; and preparation of speech draft / welcome words by YB General Manager.
  • Coordinate media relations through media coverage management and press conferences; provide information to the media in the form of Media Releases and carry out activities to establish good relations with the media.
  • Manage public relations through the planning, coordination and implementation of programs / activities to establish good relations with the public and KEJORA interns; and customer service; as well as official public visits from within and outside the country to KEJORA.
  • Plan, coordinate and publish departmental printed materials including Annual Reports, pamphlets / fliers, banners and banners for activities / programs, department.
  • Plan, coordinate and implement official KEJORA functions.